Eurasian River Basin Portal

«Support to water resources management and strengthening the capacity of water
management organizations in Europe and Central Asia»

User's manual

The first page of the site reflects the Interactive Map of Natural Resource Management Projects (hereinafter Map).

1. Interactive map             

To the left of the project map, the panel displays information depending on the selection: information about CAREC, information about the country, information about projects.

To the right of the map is a panel with filters for displaying projects. Filters allow you to select specific or all categories of projects and countries. The display on the map of the selection of projects using filters is performed only when you press the "Apply" button. The «Reset» key resets the selected project categories.

The + sign means drop-down lists for projects: sections (project directions), Partners, Funding sources, Status (Completed, Active , Planned ).

The choice of filtering parameters leads to the display of projects on the map, taking into account the selected: regions, sections, funding sources, status, partners.


The color scheme of projects is displayed on the map depending on the selected project and its relationship with others.

Sibling projects are parent (main) and child projects. Child projects are subprojects of the parent and are linked directly to the parent. The selected project is shown in green on the map.

Project types: point (for example, building, structure), linear (for example, river bed, road), or polygon (for example, region, river basin).

The scale on the map is regulated by the signs on the map panel on the right "+" and "-" or by moving the scroller on the computer mouse.

When filters are applied and projects are displayed on the Map at the bottom, the information panel "Global projects" is displayed on the page at the bottom left - a drop-down list of projects that have child projects.


The site menu is located in the upper right corner. By clicking on the Menu button , the following sections of the site are available depending on the current page:

  • Instructions             

  • Analytical reports             

  • Add object             

  • Interactive map       

2. Analytical reports             

On the website page Analytical reports, data on projects are displayed in the form of histograms or pie charts, depending on the choice of parameters, with the ability to download data in Excel format .

The panel for selecting parameters "Parameters" is located to the left of the output area of ​​histograms and charts. The choice of the parameter is fixed by the “Apply” button.

The parameters are reset by pressing the “Reset” button.

Dropdown options:

  • Country             

  • Source of funding             

  • Partner             

  • Status             

  • Section and category of the project (directions of projects)   

Parameters without drop-down lists: budget, implementation period, parent project.

Vertical bar graph when one parameter is selected - displays the number of projects

When two parameters are selected, the panel displays data based on the selected parameter categories, but only with a drop-down list.

The options for displaying data in the form of a pie chart are available by clicking «Pie Chart» in the upper left corner of the screen.

Clicking on "Show only parent projects" allows only parent projects to be considered in the analysis.

Clicking on "Show all projects" allows you to consider all projects in the analysis.

3. Add object

To add an object, select the appropriate section in the Menu, in which the following sections are filled in:

1 Title - the name of the project is indicated

2 Sections and subsections - you can select one of the options for sections and subsections of projects (while holding down the CTRL key )

3 Geolocation - a project category is selected (point, line or polygon), then a point, line or polygon is placed / drawn on the map. The panel for selecting tools for displaying an object on the map is located in the upper right corner of the map and contains the following elements (from top to bottom): Line, Polygon, Point, delete (in the form of a basket).

Coordinate injection is also possible: in the command line, coordinates are entered in the format latitude, longitude - XX . XXXXXX , YY . YYYYYY .

For a point, one coordinate is entered, for a line, the coordinates of the polygon vertex are entered through “/”, for a polygon, the coordinates of the polygon vertices are entered through “/” and the final coordinate must coincide with the first one.

4 Abbreviation - short project abbreviation

5 Direction of the project - indicates the main direction of the project

6 Period of implementation - filled in only in digital format “ date ”. “ Month”. “Year ” ( xx . Xx . Xxxx ).

7 Funding source - select from the list

8 Artist - select from the list

9 Status - a choice of three options Active, Completed, Planned

10 Country - select a country from the List

11 Level - project level "1" - parent, "2" - child, etc.

12 Search keywords - enter text

13 SDG Alignment - Select from a list of alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (17 goals)

14 Purpose - a textual description of the goals of the project is introduced

15 Tasks - enter a text description of the project tasks

16 Target groups - groups of society to which the project is addressed, selection from the list

17 Expected results - project implementation results are introduced

18 Materials - introduces materials projects and links to results

19 Manager's contacts - enter full name, e - mail , contact phone number

Required fields are: title, sections and subsections,
geolocation, implementation period, source of funding.s, geolocation, implementation period, source of funding.